Today’s scripture reading1 shows me a growing distance between Jesus and the crowd. He is becoming more distressed. They don’t know why he’s distressed, but it bugs them. They were intrigued by a teacher who is clever, who pushes back on the powers-that-be. Plus, the miracles were cool.
But a teacher who is sad … growing more urgent in his invitations … talking about death … that’s less entertaining.
*glances at phone* “What are you talking about, Jesus…?”
And he withdraws.
Later, the early church recognizes it.2 They shrug, acknowledging it. It’s foolish. Death on a cross is embarrassing, shameful. So much for pushing back on the powers-that-be. So much for those teachings and parables that seemed so wise.
Look where it landed him.
*awkward grimace*
Why would you follow … that?